Find out how you can own your signature style, and get your wardrobe working for you
“Style is very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion.
Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever.” Ralph Lauren
You’re probably here because at least one of these applies to you...
You look in your wardrobe and think ‘ugh I’ve got nothing to wear’?
You always wear the same few items because they’re the safe bet?
You buy clothes that look nice but feel they’re just ‘not you’ (then leave them hanging in the wardrobe for ages)?!
You’ve been through a life change?
You’re not sure what suits your new ‘mum-body’?
You’re returning to work or having a career change and need a confidence boost?
You worry about looking ‘mumsy’ or ‘frumpy’ even though you don’t feel a day past your twenties?!
You’re not the only one... Many women only wear 20% of what they own, 80% of the time. Lots find shopping and getting dressed stressful, confusing and frustrating (not to mention unnecessarily expensive). I want to make that experience simple and fun - because life is too short to get stressed about clothes!
The Total Wardrobe Workout incorporates The Signature Style Session, in which we’ll look at what colour palette looks great with your complexion, and explore your style personality and body shape, with a session decluttering and organising your wardrobe!
We will use all of the information we have gathered for you in your Signature Style Session to optimise your current wardrobe by:
Identifying which pieces you already own in your colour palette, which suit your style personality and flatter your body shape, and looking at ways to slowly incorporate more
Putting together outfits using these items, showing you ways that you can get more wear out of each item
Creating a list of gaps, and things which would benefit your existing wardrobe, so you’ve got a shopping list ready
Working out which clothes just aren’t working for you, so you can either sell or recycle them